Bridging the gap between front-end and back-end with my expertise in full-stack development, I bring a holistic approach to building web applications that seamlessly integrate functionality, performance, and aesthetics.

Eroxl - Overview

👨🏽‍💻 Projects

Note Rack

Note Rack is a powerful full-stack inline markdown editor allowing students to more easily keep track of projects and assignments/worksheets from school.



GitHub - Eroxl/Note-Rack: An inline WYSIWYG markdown editor built for students to manage school work.

BC Open Legislature

An organization for modernizing BC’s legislature sites to promote more openness allowing for more easy access to data and more efficient democracy.


![ Page Updated.png]( Page Updated.png)

BC Open Legislature was a 2D MMO survival game created in C# and Unity with WebSockets for networking. Players built and survived with their friends in the browser. The community grew to over 1000 members on discord at it’s peak.


Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 9.19.47 AM.png

Party Poppers

Party Poppers was a custom NFT project allowing users to create and collect unique digital assets. I designed and implement the system for generating the NFTs, including a smart contract and user-friendly web interface.


Party Poppers.png